After School Art Club: Drawing, Collage, Painting and Sculpture. (Part 1)

By Paula Briggs

I’ve been working with a group of Year 3 and 4 pupils at Bourn Primary Academy during an after school art club. The sessions are only an hour long, and that includes time to set the room up and clean up at the end, so I decided to do an activity which carried across the whole term, giving the children plenty of time to try new approaches and materials.

I wanted a subject matter which the children would warm to and which would work for both drawing and sculpture. I’d been watching the amazing BBC series The Polar Bear & Me, and was struck by the beautiful forms of the bears – forms which were simple, sculptural and yet recognisable as being “polar bear”. The bears seemed the ideal subject matter (and we even had snow outside!). Even better, the bears would provide us with an opportunity to make individual sculptures, which could then be brought together as a communal artwork.

After school art club: Polar bears at Bourn Primary Academy
Polar bears at Bourn Primary Academy

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