Zoom CPD


upcoming Zoom CPD

ipad by Tobi Meuwissen

AccessArt is committed to helping educators and artists develop their passion for teaching art, and to better understand the AccessArt approach. 

We do this through:

– A programme of Zoom sessions (below). The majority of our Zoom CPD sessions are offered free of charge to AccessArt members, whilst our collaborative CPD is offered at a reduced price for AccessArt members. 

– Our evolving library of recorded sessions, available for AccessArt members to access.

– Our in-person sessions at our studio in Cambridgeshire.  Our in-person sessions at the AccessArt Lab provide an opportunity for participants to help test and create content for the AccessArt website, and at the same time to inspire new ways of thinking about visual arts pedagogy.

The AccessArt Artist Educator Network


Other Ways To Access CPD…

In-Person Sessions

CPD LIbrary

Collaborative Sessions

Artist Educator Network

Panel Event: Spaces and Skills to Nurture Creative Thought & Action

Wednesday 19th March
4.00pm-5.00pm (Via Zoom)
Free for AccessArt Members

Aimed at: Artists, Educators working in all settings, including EYFS, Primary and Secondary Schools, Sixth Form Colleges, Further and Higher Education, Home, Community and Museum & Gallery Education

The Work Economic Forum’s Future of Jobs Survey: Insights Report (2023) highlighted creative thinking as one of the most important skills for workers.

In this online session, we’ll be joined by FE Art Lead and Artist, Toby Saville, and Sculptor and Lecturer, Silke Dettmers to discuss how we can develop approaches to creative thought and action through art. We’ll also look at the things which hinder creativity, and discuss how, as teachers, we can become creative facilitators.  

This session will be recorded and available to AccessArt Members after the event. Attend the live session for an opportunity to win books!

Equity in the ACD Classroom: Where Have All The Boys Gone?

Saturday 5th April
Full day – 10.00am-12.00pm, one hour break, 1.00pm-3.00pm (Via Zoom)

£35 Non-Members / £25 for AccessArt Members and Trainee Teachers.

Aimed at: KS1, KS2, KS3 & KS4 Teachers, SLT, Artist Educators

The return of this popular and highly successful CPD run by Art consultant Susan Coles will explore the issues we face in engaging boys in the art curriculum.

Using research and evidence we will discuss how you can develop more inclusive learning models at all Key Stages and make the subject meaningful, relevant and engaging to 21st century learners, in a changed post pandemic world.

This session will support you to develop realistic and achievable strategies to make changes, to identify your own CPD needs and to achieve the goal of getting boys back into art, craft and design.

Please note, this session will NOT be recorded.

AccessArt and International Schools

Tuesday 6th May,
1.00pm-2.00pm (Via Zoom)
Free for AccessArt Members and Non-Members

Aimed at: Teachers following an English Curriculum or equivalent, at schools overseas.

The AccessArt community is far-reaching, and we are thrilled to see a growing number of international schools using our resources to build and sustain an exciting art curriculum.  

If you work in an international school or live outside the UK, join us at this online event to explore what AccessArt can offer the communities you represent. We’ll be joined by an international school currently using AccessArt to share how they have adapted our resources to enrich their curriculum. We also hope the event will be an opportunity for you to make contact with other art educators in different countries and share experiences and inspiration. 

This session is suitable for those working in all educational settings overseas, but particularly for those working in schools and as home educators.  

This event is free and open to all (you do not have to be an AccessArt member).

This session will be recorded and available to AccessArt Members after the event. Attend the live session for an opportunity to win books!

Artist Educator Spotlight

Thursday 15th May, 11.00am-12.00pm (Via Zoom)
Free for AccessArt Members

Aimed at: Artists, Educators working in all settings, in particular EYFS, and Primary Schools, Home, Community and Museum & Gallery Education

To celebrate our community of artist educators, we will interview an established artist educator about their past and current work in the art education community.  

Artist educators form a core group in the AccessArt community and hold a unique position in being able to bring a fresh and ‘disruptive’ approach to classrooms and other educational settings. 

To showcase this, an artist educator and member of the AccessArt community will be sharing what it means to be an artist educator today, and how the two strands of their practice feed into one another, enabling them to bring her ideas and skills to a younger audience. 

This session will be recorded and available to AccessArt Members after the event. Attend the live session for an opportunity to win books!

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