AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum FAQ

Pls find frequently asked questions relating to the AccessArt Primary Art Curriculum

If your question is not answered below pls email the team here. 

Getting Started…

The AccessArt Curriculum and Ofsted

  • We need to be clear why we are using your scheme – if Ofsted asks. Can you help?

    It’s vital that you choose a scheme which suits your school and that the intent behind our scheme supports/matches your own intent behind teaching art as a school. See our article here. 

    Pls take a look at the videos below to understand more about the intent/ethos behind AccessArt. If your school does not already have an intent statement, you can use the messages in these videos to inform the creation of one for your school. 

  • The progression document mentions substantive knowledge vs implicit knowledge. How does this related to Ofsted’s practical, theoretical and disciplinary knowledge?

    In the review Ofsted are very clear that they don’t expect every school to use their terms of practical, theoretical and disciplinary knowledge. There are lots of models of knowledge and even experts disagree about terminology and approach. I think all Ofsted are implying by those terms is that there is a hierarchy of knowledge, which when put together make for a rich and memorable experience for children. By hierarchy I mean it includes very tangible, finite and practical knowledge, and also more embracing, overarching knowledge, which is harder to define, but which is vital to the subject, (for example getting children to think about the purpose of art). The AccessArt Curriculum includes all those types of knowledge, with different names.

  • How can I highlight I have identified points in the curriculum where it is clear whether pupils are working towards convergent or divergent goals?

    Think of things like drawing exercises being seen as convergent – the whole class is being asked to make a drawing in a certain way (ie continuous line), thinking about certain aspects of looking and mark making, and using a certain drawing tool.

    Think of things like projects where children create their own artwork (ie most of the projects in our curriculum) as being divergent – children are given choices and use their experience to make creative decisions, each of which added up helps their work be unique to them. Sketchbooks are often a mixture of divergent and convergent thinking and action.

  • How can I show that curriculum content enables pupils to understand the journey of art throughout history and culture (theoretical knowledge)?

    This is embedded within the pathways. Please note we do not show the “journey of art through history and culture” – that’s a massive thing to do and often results in a reductionist approach. Instead we focus on elements which we think are relevant, engaging and exciting for pupils to know today. 

  • Is it okay that units do not necessarily include what may be considered the more ‘great’ artists like Van Gough, Warhol, Monet, Lowry?

    Within the curriculum, our main aim is to ensure children see the relevance of the artists they are studying: a) to their own lives and b) to the projects. So all artists we link to in our Talking Points are chosen on those grounds.

    The National Curriculum as you know states “know about great artists, craft makers and designers” and there is general agreement amongst experts that this is very outdated. For too long there has been a focus on “dead white male” artists, almost always judging “great” from a Western perspective. We now understand that looking at art from a colonial perspective is not appropriate. So we really need to go beyond this now, and look at all kinds of artists, from all kinds of backgrounds, countries and perspectives. Doing this makes art as accessible and inclusive to as many pupils as possible.

    Our understanding is that as long as you can explain why you have chosen the artists you have, Ofsted will be happy. If as a school you decide you do want to supplement (not replace) the existing artists with more “traditionally great” artists then you can do so – but do bear in mind that if you do this too much you will end up by default with male dead artists.

Adapting the Curriculum

  • Can the pathways be taught in different terms and with different year groups? Can I adapt the pathways to fit with topic links?

    Yes the pathways can be taken out of order, both within the school year and between adjacent years (or even wider apart years) to fit into your plans better. Children will work at all pathways, whenever presented them, at their own level. 

  • Can I adapt the pathways easily to incorporate curriculum links?

    Take a look at – on that page we have listed curriculum areas and how we think the pathways might be linked to topics. 


    The pathways are designed (and our bigger aim) so that schools can adapt and personalise them – that’s really important to us and to the children. So yes use your imagination and adapt as much as you like.

Mixed and Split Curriculum


    • How do I challenge the more able children using your curriculum?

      The beauty of the AccessArt approach/pathways is that each child will meet each activity at their own level. Because there is plenty of freedom in each activity and the emphasis is on exploration there is plenty of space for more able children to stretch themselves. 


      Ensure you are always encouraging (all) children to push at the edges of what they do… prompt curiosity by asking them (and get them to ask themselves) “what would happen if…” “what might that materials enable me to do…” “what if I…”. “Pushing at the edges” can happen through use of materials, exploration of an idea, scale, ambition, function etc.


      The resources have been used with all abilities including high attaining children – they will fly as long as you don’t hold them back with restricted access to materials, or by having preconceived ideas as to what they might make. Give them the space/permission to take up their own space, and to show to you what they discover.

    • Does AccessArt have any facilities or resources for assessment in primary art?

      See the following to help you think about assessment:


      In addition, pls see the “I Can” statements on each pathway (and also written on each MTP for each pathway) of


      Please keep an eye on our events page as we do put on CPD on assessment from time to time.




    • We have recently introduced the use of sketchbooks. What sort of things do you think I should be teaching / looking for in sketchbooks?

      In terms of sketchbooks, look out for:

      • Evidence of experimentation of materials

      • Evidence of regular drawing practice – this does not always have to be tied to the project (for instance you might do ten minute sketchbook drawing exercises in DT half terms as a transition activity after lunch)

      • Evidence that when children look at an artists’ work, they demonstrate close looking and thinking in their sketchbooks via techniques such as Show Me What You See and Making Visual Notes

      • Evidence that children are given permission to make notes in their books, including annotations, but that spelling/good handwriting is not a criteria for success

      • Evidence of reflection – “how do i feel about…”

      • Evidence of risk taking – “what happens if..” type thinking

      • Beyond the sketchbooks, ensure teachers are also making time to talk to pupils alone or in small groups about their sketchbooks. Remember sketchbooks should be used not just for personal exploration but also as a focus for conversation about intention as well as outcome. 

      • Sketchbooks are by nature places of open ended, exploratory investigation. Don’t look for linear progression, instead look for rich, layered thinking and encourage children and teachers to revisit old pages to remember, reflect, and bring ideas forward…

      Keep an eye on the events page to see if we have any CPD on sketchbooks coming up. Take a look at our Sketchbook Share recording


    • We are a special school 3-19 mostly working at KS2 and below. Could you please provide me with some further information about how you could support us?

      We have lots of schools working with SEND as part of the AccessArt community – the resources lend themselves to being used by a wide range of ages and abilities.


      We have a selection of activities for SEND and EYFS which can be found here:


      We also have a tag cloud on the right hand side of the majority of the pages on the site and if you click SEN you can see many resources which are specifically tailored for SEND. You can also explore However, most send schools find they can adapt the majority of the resources on the site.



    • How do I map out progression across Nursery and Reception using the EYFS curriculum?

      We feel the aim of this phase in terms of art, in deliberately simple terms, is to:

      • Build dexterity skills

      • Explore materials and mark making in a playful way

      • Use bodies and imaginations to inspire making

      • Explore how they can reflect and share their views about what they have seen or made

      • Explore how art enriches our lives

      We don’t outline where each child should be by the end of a certain year – there is no need to measure children in this way, instead we believe the onus is on the school to provide a layering of rich opportunities which will impact the children’s experience and understanding of the list above. Make choices that suit your school and balance 2D work with 3D. Once you have chosen which areas you would like to explore, go into the Resources and Skills editable document and see which areas are being progressed. See our EYFS resources here. 

    Feedback & Share

    • How can I share work made as a result of the AccessArt resources?

      Please see our Using AccessArt in your School page to find out how you can feedback to us, and how you can share your work. 

    Joining AccessArt

    • I am the only teacher teaching and leading art, do I still need to buy a multiuser account?

      As you are the only teacher delivering the art curriculum in your school, you won’t need a multi-user membership and you can access the curriculum and all the resources through a single membership login. However we do believe it is good practice that not one person (no matter how skilled) should be responsible for art in a school – it is far better to build expertise across staff – in which case you will need a multi-user membership so that all staff can access resources. 

    • Where can I find information about memberships?

      You can find details of all membership benefits and costs at and

    • Which schools use AccessArt?

      See a map of schools using AccessArt here

    • Can we use AccessArt as a scheme if we live outside England?

      We believe our resources and pathways can be adapted to many schools in many countries. Pls see the table on this page to help you understand age/year group equivalents. 

    • Where can I network with other teachers using AccessArt?

      Join our Facebook group. Attend CPD events.