Explore the project below to help pupils consider how they might create an Olympic Poster inspired by the Olympic Values.
An Olympic Poster
Aim: To introduce pupils to the ethos of the Olympics and create a body of work in response. Pupils will get the opportunity to practise collaging skills to create a poster based on an Olympic value.
Step 1: Introduce in Sketchbooks
Consider asking pupils to make an Olympic project sketchbook using one of the “Making Sketchbooks” resources.
Begin by introducing pupils to the Olympic and Paralympic ethos and the 3 values Friendship, Respect and Excellence with “Talking Points: The Olympic Ethos“.
Follow on by introducing pupils to the idea that each Olympic and Paralympic games has an Olympic Design team who captures the essence of the host city through design. Explore “Talking Points: Olympic Design” and invite pupils to create “Visual Notes“.

Step 2:
Invite pupils to create posters adapting the “Drawing With Scissors” resource. Depending on the abilty of your pupils you can either focus on creating collages and colour mixing, or you can follow the project through to screen printing.
If pupils need any interventions you can introduce them to some of the Olympian artists with “Talking Points: Olympian Artists“.

Step 4: Reflect
Invite children to display the work in a clear space on tables or on the wall. Recap with them about the exploration – where they started, what they discovered and what they enjoyed.
If you have class cameras or tablets, invite the children to document their work, working in pairs or teams.

Drawing materials
A3 Cartridge paper
A3 Coloured/Sugar paper
Scrap paper (old painted paper)
Acrylic Paint
PVA glue
Print screen mesh (optional)
Squeegees (optional)
Printing medium thickener (optional)
If you would like to screenprint but don’t have the equipment, you can use this simple screenprint hack.
You can focus on historical photographs from the Olympics, encouraging pupils to mix in grey hues or to use their imaginations to make up the colours.
Explore Other Resources in Values:
Explore other olympic themes