Explore the project below to help pupils consider how they might design an Olympic/Paralympic Games in their home town based on the Olympic Ceremony.
Mapping & Modelling
Aim: To see how events can be planned on a large scale using creative solutions. Pupils will create their own event plan based on their town, using sculpture and digital media.
Step 1: Introduce Concept
Consider asking pupils to make an Olympic project sketchbook using one of the “Making Sketchbooks” resources.
Explore “Talking Points: Events Mapping” to see how both software and model making can be used to plan large scale event such as the Olympics.
Invite children to create “Visual Notes” in their sketchbooks as they watch the videos, noting down what they see, hear and think as they watch along.

Step 2: Drawing
Use the “Inspired by Google Maps” resource to create line drawings of your local area, or an area pupils might like to base their Olympic Games. It might be a nice opportunity to see how different locations (countryside or city) might impact planning.
Invite pupils to consider where the ceremony and sports events will be held. Will there be an athletes village? Where will people walk, shop, eat, disabled access etc? Add them to your map.

Step 3: Making
Decide at this point whether you would like to add a digital element to the project or if you would prefer to stick to model making.
Option 1: Create a 3d map by adapting the resource “Inspired by Google Maps: Making“. Invite pupils to create additional blocks representing the facilities they’re creating for their town olympics based on their drawing work and arrange them into their 3d model.
Option 2: Create a 3d map linking to Olympic planning by adapting “Inspired by Google Maps: Making“…
Cover the polystyrene with white tissue paper. Using a projector, project pupils drawings from the google maps drawing activity onto their models (they can hold them up against the whiteboard). Bear in mind the drawings don’t have to be to scale but it will be nice to see the line work projected onto models. Invite pupils to take photos.

Step 4: Reflect
Invite children to display the work in a clear space on tables or on the wall. Recap with them about the exploration – where they started, what they discovered and what they enjoyed.
If you have class cameras or tablets, invite the children to document their work, working in pairs or teams.

Drawing Materials
PVA Glue
Tissue Paper
Projector (Optional)
Base your event in a historical context, for example around the ancient Pyramids in Egypt, or the town of Pompeii. How could you incorporate historical landmarks into your event?
Explore Other Resources in Ceremony:
Explore other olympic themes