AccessArt Enquiry-Based Learning For Teenagers: Progression & Growth


Let The Circle Change Our Thinking

During the brainstorming and planning of the AccessArt Enquiry-Based Pathways, one symbol recurred time and again. The Circle. Whatever question we asked ourselves, in an attempt to dig down into what we were trying to achieve, our answers came in the form of circles – concentric circles, segmented circles, spider-diagrams.

The circle provides the opportunity to:

Put something at the centre (the learner, the idea, the question)

Apply non-linear stages/lenses

Grow outwards, expand

To become rounded, think holistically

Treat individuals individually. Progression, growth, interests and direction all come from an appreciation of the individual at the centre

We hope as educators you can approach this symbol and let its form help shift your thinking. Ofsted have been clear that we have the freedom as teachers and SLT to understand what works for other subjects may not work for art – so let’s  embrace a more rounded, holistic approach. 

coloured in circle
concentric circles 1
coloured in circle
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