Our Creative Community: Making Fairies Inspired by Samantha Bryan

In the final artist-enagaged workshops of the ‘Our Creative Community‘ series run by Natalie Deane, artist Samantha Bryan came into Battyeford Primary School to work with pupils to create their own fairies.

The pupils identified Samantha as an artist from the Yorkshire Sculpture Park trip as someone they would like to work with to inspire the development of ‘Fairyfields’.

Samantha ran two sessions, one aimed at building the heads and faces of the fairies, and the second to build the bodies and costumes. Explore below to see how the sessions unfolded.

Fairy Heads Inspired by Samantha Bryan by Nat Deane

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Talking Points: Samantha Bryan

Brain’s Crash Helmet for Fairies by Samantha Bryan. 2015 Image: Jess Petrie

Explore the work of artist Samantha Bryan and see how it inspired the pupil-led project at Battyeford Primary School.

Inspired by Samantha Bryan: Part one

In part one of this workshop and with the help of Samantha Bryan, students create their fairy heads.

Inspired by Samantha Bryan: Part Two

In the second workshop session, Samantha worked with pupils to create the bodies of their fairies.

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