Teams of Expertise

AccessArt’s core team is supported by the expertise of a number of key practitioners from diverse backgrounds/sectors: teachers, lecturers, facilitators, creative practitioners and subject specialists, including representatives of SEND and lifelong learners, from the UK and overseas. 

It is important to our organisation that our contributors are recognised for all that they do and feel like they have a stake in our work – we are all working to support the same communities and all benefit from our combined shared expertise. 

If you would like to join our teams of expertise please get in touch! 

Thank you, Paula, Creative Director

Paula briggs

Andrea butler

Rachel thompson

Tobi meuwissen

susan coles

Paul Carney

Jake Spicer

Mandy Barrett

Chloe briggs

Robyn chiles

Elizabeth Hammond

Kaytie holdstock

Lancelot richardson

Natalie Deane

Caragh Savage

Caragh Savage

Paula briggs

Sheila Ceccarelli

Rachel thompson

Andrea butler

jo blaker

Katherine Woodard

Melissa pierce Murray

Morag Thomson Merriman

tonka uzu

Emma davies

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