A Conversation with Paint – A Tribute to David Measures 1937 – 2011

On the 26th November 2011, colleagues, students, friends and family gathered at Southwell Minster, to celebrate the life, work and teaching of  David Guy Measures artist, teacher and naturalist.

‘David was a pioneering original in world terms – not just a superb naturalist, but also an inspired painter who extended the language of art’. Julian Spalding, David Measures obituary, The Guardian – Artist inspired by the natural world who was the first to paint live butterflies in flight

‘David had a rare and wonderful personality – always positive, determined and with a great sense of wonder about things. Everything he said and did seemed to come straight from the heart.’

As to be expected this was not a normal memorial service but a celebration of David’s life that brought together many creative individuals. The gathering listened to wonderful and often humorous tributes by colleagues and students, looked at David’s work projected on a giant screen in the magnificent surrounding of mottled light filtered through stained glass, ate sweet and savoury food cooked by the community with love and care, and all ages participated in creative activities to remember David’s own process, both of painting and interacting with nature and friends.

David’s colleague Greg Poole described how David used to enjoy a game ‘Battle of the Strokes’ where he would lock himself in a room with a colleague for several hours and sometimes days and together they would ‘battle’ taking it in turns to make strokes and marks on the same piece of paper or a canvas.

Greg set up a table in the Minster with materials, tools and paper so that friends could have a go. No-one can remember paint ever having been allowed in the Minster before!

It was deeply touching to see rows of David’s friends and family, some who’d never met before, in silent conversation, both with sensitivity and creative instinct, expressing themselves.

Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Deep in conversation
Deep in conversation


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster
Friends and family of David Measures painting in Southwell Minster


To find out more about David’s life and work please follow the following links;

David Measure – Telegraph

David Measures – Independent  

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