AccessArt & #BeACreativeProducer Digital Wellbeing Week
In response to the need to help teenagers navigate their use of digital media and increase their sense of wellbeing, AccessArt has launched a Digital Wellbeing Week.
Digital Wellbeing Week provides an opportunity for schools to encourage pupils to become more aware of their use of digital media, and how they can balance a more mindful and creative use of digital media with an exploration of creativity in the physical world.
The resources used in the Digital Wellbeing Week were created in collaboration with teenagers during the #BeACreativeProducer project. The resources have been designed to be shown in classrooms, assembly, or at home.
You can find all the resources you need below.
There are no set dates for the Digital Wellbeing Week – instead a school can choose a time which is convenient to them. The resources are suitable for Years 6 to 11 (UK schools) or ages 10 to 16.
The #BeACreativeProducer Project has 3 core values:
The project has 3 main core values:
We need to help teenagers balance digital and physical, and to enable them to use digital in a mindful way
We need to help teenagers value their creativity
We can help teenagers find inspiration through friendship & collaboration