Melissa Pierce Murray

Melissa Pierce Murray

Melissa Pierce Murray

Melissa Pierce Murray’s sculptures explore juxtapositions of strength and fragility, tensions between structure and fluidity, moments poised between stillness and movement. With a sensitivity to materials and an interdisciplinary background, she seeks innovative ways of engaging with new audiences.

For Choreographed Drawings (2015), she developed a sculpture kit of pre-fashioned elements which she used in site responsive improvisational installations, photographing the transient sculptural arrangements. With Diana Scarborough, she created Breaking Boundaries, a live art installation combining sculpture, dance, video and sound, for the inauguration of the Passion for Knowledge 2016 Science Festival in San Sebastian, Spain.

Murray received a Royal British Society of Sculptors Bursary Award and was selected for the Museums at Night mentoring programme. She holds a BA in English Literature and Physics from the University of Colorado, and an MA (distinction) in Fine Arts from Norwich University of the Arts.



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