Simple Drawing Exercise: Drawing to the Slow Rhythm of a Metronome
By Paula Briggs
A new term at the Drawing and Making Workshop for ages 6 to 10 and I thought we would see how we can explore the relationship of paper and making through an book art/artist’s book project.
Before we started transforming our books though, I thought we should help some new students settle in with some simple, slow drawing. It was the first warm day of the year here and everyone was feeling pretty chilled out, including myself, and I didn’t think we were up to any frantic making!

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Sheila Ceccarelli
May 2, 2013 @ 1:09 pm
I love this Paula – i love the idea of changing the perception of paper’s use – the idea that something we are conditioned to use one way is used another way and with such great effect. I also love the idea of slowing that process down with the metronome and the reflection and mindfulness in one’s actions. Very inspiring. I will try this out with teenagers and see how they respond. Thank you!
Dina D
October 17, 2016 @ 11:32 am
I would love to know where the children asked to do a line each time they heard the metronome beat or was it at the background just as a sound to remind them to slow down?
Paula Briggs, AccessArt
October 17, 2016 @ 11:35 am
I think drawing a line to each beat would work, but we just used it to slow them down. I used it again here: and it definitley helped them focus /building_and_drawing/
Dina D
October 27, 2016 @ 10:44 am
Thanks for that, I really enjoyed the resource you’ve attached. Drawing and building with magnets could be linked to science BRILLIANT!!!
Paula Briggs, AccessArt
October 28, 2016 @ 7:58 am
Yes the science link is very helpful!