25 Year Celebration: The AccessArt Draw-Along

AccessArt Draw-Along

Help AccessArt celebrate our 25th birthday by joining us in the first ever AccessArt Draw-Along!

Monday July 1st 2024 10am-10.45 via Zoom

Wherever you are, whoever you are, we invite you to join us live at 10am on the 1st July, to draw alongside us in this participatory event!

Book Your Place Here

How It Will Work

The AccessArt team will lead a number of drawing exercises, and Rowan Briggs Smith will be your live drawing demonstrator.

Watch the event on a whiteboard or other device, and as we lead the exercises, you can draw along in your classrooms, halls, community spaces or homes. 

After the first couple of drawing exercises we will invite you to make a drawing of an object which has personal meaning to you, and then we’ll invite you to share your images on our Padlet or by social media. 

You’ll need to supply your own drawing materials – we’ll be in touch about these but no special materials will be needed. 

Book Your Place

The event is open and free of charge to AccessArt members only.

Simply book 1 place for your class, school or community group per device you will be sharing from, and we will send you a link to access the event via Zoom on the 1st July 2024 at 10am BST. 

Please remember:

  • The exercises are suitable for everyone – ages 5 through to adult

  • By showing the event on a whiteboard you can have as large a participatory audience as you like. You only need to book one place per device used to share from.

  • You must not charge participants for the event.

  • The event is free of charge but only open to AccessArt members. The Zoom webinar link will be behind the AccessArt membership wall – so please make sure you are a member of AccessArt and can login! 

  • The event will NOT be recorded.

  • Book soon – places are limited! 

Book your place here! 
