This resource is part of the Tool Box series by AccessArt, which shares design and technology project ideas via a series of lesson plans.
Testing, Testing, Testing your Game – a Video for Pupils
Is it going well? What can I do to make it better?
Please note this page contains videos housed on You Tube. If your school blocks You Tube AccessArt would be happy to provide an email to confirm the integrity of these videos. Please email us here.
“As you design and make your game, don’t forget to keep testing out your ideas and what you are making. When you design through making, you are learning new things about how materials and ideas work together, and its a good idea if you keep talking (to friends, teachers, helpers and Tool Box) about what you are thinking and learning. Here’s some questions you can keep asking yourself when you are making your game:
- Is it working? Is it the right shape? Will it do what I want it to do?
- Are the materials doing the right job? Is there another material which would work better?
- Am I using the right tools? Can I make the materials do what I want them to, or do I need to change the tool/ or material I use?
- Have I asked other people what they think?
- Has making this game given me other ideas for other games/projects?
And don’t forget to test by using real objects – for example if you are making a crazy golf, then use a real golf ball to make sure your game really works.
Testing as you go along like this, rather than at the end, means you have plenty of chance to make changes to make your game the best it can be.
At Art School, you’d often ask these kinds of questions in small groups, gathered around the object that you are making. It’s called a “crit” – and everyone’s views are welcome – the teacher is just there to help everyone join in the conversation. Crits are really useful because they mean that you benefit from sharing your work and hearing everyone’s ideas – which helps YOU develop YOUR ideas. Perhaps you can do this at school? Maybe you could film it and post it on the Tool Box site. And the artists behind Tool Box would love to see how you are getting on, and how we can help.”
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