Pathway: Set Design
Pathway for Years 5 & 6
Set Design, Making, Drawing, Sketchbooks
Key Concepts:
That designers and makers design “sets” which form the backdrop/props to give context to drama (theatre, film or animation).
That we can use many disciplines including painting, making, drawing to create sets, as well as thinking about lighting, scale, perspective, composition, and sound.
That we can create our own “sets” to create models for theatre design, or backgrounds for an animation.
That we can take our inspiration from the sources of literature or music to inform our creative response and to capture the essence of the drama.
In this pathway pupils explore the work of set designers – in the first instance a set designer that works in theatre, and in the second instance a maker that creates sets for animation.
Pupils go on to explore how they can create their own model set, inspired by a creative stimulus (poetry, prose, film or music).
Sketchbooks are used throughout to brainstorm, record, test and reflect.
Paper, Card, Construction Media, Mixed Media, Paint, Drawing Materials
Artists: Rae Smith, Fausto Melotti, Tiny Inventions, Rose Hurley, Gabby Savage-Dickson
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
Curriculum Links
English: Create set designs inspired by your chosen play or book (for example Esio Trot).
History: Create a ‘scene’ inspired by your chosen civilisation topic e.g. a Roman amphitheatre.
Science: Light, shadow.
Music & Drama: Link to projects in Music and Drama.
PSHE: Collaboration, Peer Discussion.
I Can…
I have explored how other artists use their skills to build sets for theatre or animation, inspired by literature, film, poetry or music. I can articulate and share my response to their work.
I can respond to a suggested stimulus (poetry, prose, music or short film) and design and build a model set which conveys my interpretation of the mood/narrative of the original stimulus.
I can use my sketchbook to brainstorm ideas, jot down thoughts, test materials, record and reflect.
I can share my process and outcome with my classmates, articulating my ideas and methods. I can listen to their feedback and take it on board.
I can appreciate the artwork made by my classmates and share my response to their work.
I can take photographs or film of my artwork thinking about presentation, lighting, focus and composition.
I can use my animation set as backdrop to an animation.