Pathway: Fashion Design
Pathway for Years 5 & 6
Fashion, Painting, Collage, Sketchbooks
Key Concepts:
That designers bring their own culture, experiences and passions into their designs, for other people.
That as individuals we can grow our experience of the world by experiencing (seeing, listening, taking the time to understand) the creativity expressed by other people.
That we can use colour, pattern, line, shape, form, material, texture to express our creativity.
That when we design fashion, we can understand what it might feel like to wear the clothes. How would they change the person wearing or seeing them?
That when we design clothes, we can build an awareness of how 2d shapes might become 3d forms.
In this pathway children are introduced to the idea that design is often about relationships – between the designer/artist and the person who then sees, buys or wears the end result. Where and how do the experiences and passions of both designer and viewer meet? How is one affected by the other and what can we learn from each other?
Children are introduced to contemporary fashion designers and use sketchbooks to record things about the designers which interest them, or to note ways of working which may be useful.
Pupils are then given a design brief and invited to make their own designs, again working in sketchbooks to explore and test, before making decorate papers through which they can bring their designs to life in 2d or 3d.
Paper, Acrylic Paint, Tape
Artists: Alice Fox, Rahul Mishra, Pyer Moss, Tatyana Antoun, Hormazd Narielwalla
If you use this resource in your setting, please tag us on social media: #InspiredBy @accessart (facebook, twitter) (instagram) and share the url. Thank you!

Teaching Notes
Find the MTP for this pathway here.
Curriculum Links
Geography: Trade links and the history of importing textiles from other continents.
History: Design clothing inspired by your chosen civilisation topic e.g. Ancient Greek elite, slaves, gods or goddesses.
Maths: 2D / 3D shapes, measuring.
Music & Drama: Create costumes for, or in response to, drama or music productions.
PSHE: Responsibility to the planet, Collaboration, Peer Discussion, Different Religions, Ethnic Identity.
I Can…
I have explored the work of contemporary fashion designers and I can see how their interests and experiences feed into their work.
I can share my own response to their work, articulating what I like or don’t like about their work.
I can use my sketchbook to make visual notes to capture key ideas about how the designers work.
I can listen to a design brief, and use my sketchbook to generate and test ideas, explore colour, line, shape, pattern in response to the brief.
I can use my sketchbook work to inform how I make a 2d (or 3d) design, using paint, paper and collage.
I can understand how 2d shapes can become 3d form and the relationship they have to our bodies.
I can share my designs and outcomes with my classmates and articulate my journey. I can listen to their feedback and respond.
I can appreciate the work of my classmates and reflect upon similarities and differences. I can share my response to their work.
I can take photographs of my work, thinking about presentation, lighting and focus.