Experimenting With Batik – Using Hot Wax and Dyes on Fabric


This fully illustrated post explores how you can inspire teenagers by working with Batik – a process which involves melted wax as a drawing tool, and dye to add colour and reveal the design. The staged process is perfect for enabling young people to explore mark making, colour and design. In this workshop teenagers worked on various surfaces. If you are an artist that works in batik, or you are a teacher or facilitator who has run batik workshops, then pls do share your experience or upload images via the “speak your mind” box below.

Many thanks to Pisces, who sponsored this post by providing AccessArt with Batik materials and to Hannah Kennard at Chesterton Community College, who lent us the Hot Wax Pots.

Experimenting with batik: Wolf by Jasmine
‘Wolf’ by Jasmine, Wax and Batik dyes on cloth


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